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Chat -  2008
Added: 18th August 2012
Posted By: KALKI
Views: 1518
Comments: 0

- Orignially uploaded on yt: 22 October 2008 18:09 "The one & only U.K based multicultural community, that unites people from all over the world...."

Tags: Chat
Holy cow! No, Seriously!
Added: 11th September 2012
Posted By: KALKI
Views: 2768
Comments: 0

- Significance of a Cow For quite a few years Ive heard silly remarks, comments and stereotypes thrown at 'Hindus' regarding 'cow-worshiping' ...Anyway this is my response in answer to those silly remarks! -------------...

Tags: Holy cow No Seriously Worship Milk Butter Sanatan Dharam Aryan Aum Hinduism India Upanishad Satya Treta Dvapara Kal Yuga Avatars Rig Yajur Sama Atharava Veda Purana Sanskrit Arabic Sindhi Indus Valley Greeks Moguls tamil Malayalam Marathi Bengali Kannada Gujart+ Dassera chalisa Hinduism Mantras Stuti Photoshop Paintshop KalkiKalyani AsianMassiveCrew Kalki Kalyani Asian Massive Crew Web Designerz Chat Forums


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